Please read and understand this refund policy carefully. All points given are part of Rural Rising’s refund and guarantee disclaimer adhering to US State Laws.
This is in reference to the Digital products and Services on
We do not issue refunds for digital products and services once the order is confirmed and you have completed the checkout process. In addition, no refunds will be issued for digital products and services after a product is sent or services have been purchased and/or rendered.
We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues receiving or downloading our products. We also recommend to contact us for assistance if you have any issues with the services that were rendered to you. All Sales Are Final.
- Fulfillment Plans: Fulfillment Plans are billed monthly and are non-refundable; your Fulfillment Plan funds will be credited directly into your Fulfillment Center account in the form of Store Credits. The Store Credits can be used to order new services/projects and pay for due invoices. Any unused store credits will be carried over on to the following month and do not expire as long as you are subscribed and being billed for our fulfillment service.
- Free Trials: If you signed up for our 14-day Free Trial and wish to cancel, please open a ticket directly from your Fulfillment Center with the request or email us at anytime before the 14-day trial expires and you won’t be billed. No questions asked.
- Store Credits: Store Credits are used to order new services/projects within our Fulfillment Center. Refunds cannot be issued once store credits are purchased and added to your account. Any unused store credits will be carried over on to the following month and do not expire as long as you are subscribed to one of our Fulfillment Plans.
- Upgrading and Downgrading your Fulfillment Plan: You can request an upgrade or downgrade to your Fulfillment Plan anytime before your monthly billing cycle. To switch your plan simply open a ticket within your Fulfillment Center and our billing department will process your request accordingly.
- Fulfillment Plan Cancellation: You can cancel your Fulfillment Plan by submitting a ticket within your Fulfillment Center, all cancellation requests must be made with a 30 day notice so that our team can off-board and/or complete any pending projects. Murphy Consulting will also honor and fulfill services if you have any unused store credits within your Fulfillment Center for up to 90 days of the cancellation date.
- Refunds cannot be issued once you avail of our digital services and work orders go through approval phase. A refund is not possible for work already completed under Rural Rising.
- No partial refunds for projects that are halfway through the execution phase.
- All White Label Web and Marketing service packages are non-refundable. However. if the client wishes to file a refund claim, it has to be given with a written notice 30 days in advance.
- Hourly support work orders are to be paid in advance and do not qualify for refunds. Unused time in your hourly support contract can be used for credit towards upcoming work.
- Refunds will not be granted on payments/deposits for inactive or abandoned projects. The cut-off time for these projects is within 30 days only.
- If you opted for a payment plan with Murphy Consulting, all of the payments must be completed as there are no cancellations for payment plans. However, if the client still wishes to file for a refund claim, your request and completed assessments must be submitted no sooner than 30 days following your payment.
- Refunds will not be granted for those who download our white label Bonus Materials such as our Case Studies, Portfolio, Onboarding Documents & Agency Contracts and move to promptly ask for cancellation or refund of their membership. We reserve the right to deny your refund request. Rural Rising’s white label services and materials are not designed for people to steal them.
- All services rendered for the client are made at their own risk—no guarantees, no refunds, no exchanges, no credits.
- Google Ads and Facebook Ads are non-refundable, as this also adheres to the rules set by Facebook and Google. Money spent for ads on these platforms are solely for this purpose and can never be returned to the entity who runs the campaign. You should not spend any sum of money, no matter how great or small on paid ads campaigns & services if you cannot afford to lose it entirely with no return, results, revenue or profit of any kind.
- Immediate results are not guaranteed by Rural Rising. As Google notes, it is forbidden for any SEO or PPC marketer to guarantee an immediate #1 position as it is dictated solely by algorithms and how effective the campaign’s execution is. Constant communication with us is important to keep track of your campaigns.
Rural Rising is in the business of working with digital agencies to improve their revenue and profitability, but the majority of systems, corporations, and people who come into play in a marketing, sales, and business scenario are completely beyond our control.
Please do not sign up for our Membership Program or place orders for white label services if you cannot reasonably afford and/or are not confident about investing in these services without a guarantee of expected ROI. Again, marketing in general is a risk, and we are committed to help you through it.